Join us as we explore the works of Ann Marie Kirk and her story telling of personal accounts from Kama'aina and kanaka that have lived in harmony with the 'aina. Learn more about her non-profit Story Catcher that chronicles the mo'olelo and mana of Hawai'i. As we Spotlight our own Aunty 'Io Cabanos and her past and present adventures that the Hotel Lexington’s famous Hawaiian Room has provided her. Blue Crater Media: Connecting through Film and Digital story telling for over 30 years, Ann Marie’s work focuses on traveled to many places telling stories, and helping others tell their stories, about the ever-changing world we live in.
Reaching communities around the world through film, educational videos, talk story, and articles Ann Marie has honed her craft to share the mo’olelo of Hawai’i through the experiences of the kanaka and kama’aina who have lived the experiences, and the voices that speak through the ‘aina. Story Catcher: Story Catcher is a 501 (c)3 non-profit dedicated to Capture the Culture, History and Stories of Hawaiʻiʻs People though Digital Technology and to Share those Stories with our Community. Exploring the History of Maunalua Exploring the History of Kohala, Hawai'i